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  • Writer's pictureMary

Who You Wit?!!

How many times have you heard the saying, “Follow your heart”? How many times have you heard people say “Follow your first mind”? If you’ve lived for as long as I have, you’ve heard them both numerous times. But which do you do?! 


Our heart is emotional... It’s tied to our feelings & desires. When we have that “strange feelin” about something, that’s our intuitions coming from our feelings / heart. We can feel it in our gut when something is off... or just not sitting right. Some days, if you’re like me, you’ve  had moments of feeling off and not knowing why! I sit there wondering like “Wth is going on around me that I’m not aware of yet?”  


Then, our mind is the computer of it all. It processes the things around us. When we have those random gut moments and are unsure, our mind tells us, “there’s nothing going on, chill” lol. It also helps us to think logically. Analyze, rationalize, evaluate... the mind works hard to help us figure things out.  

[♥️ vs 🧠]

The two are awesome in how they function. But the issue comes in when the two are at war! With me, this has been a back and forth battle. Usually, my heart wins lol. I give in to it more than my mind. However when I discover that mayyyybe that WASN’T what I was supposed to do, my mind is there like, yup, I knew that, now let me get us out of this mess 🤦🏽‍♀️ lol. It’s like that big brother / sister / best friend that always wants to tell you that they told you so. 

On my previous post I mentioned how I had to take a break for mental purposes. Getting your mind (thoughts) in order is hella important! But also is getting your emotions in order! Now... I’m an over thinker, but most times, I follow my heart. I am definitely #TeamHeart. This may be to a fault but I also find some pleasure in it. "Where there is pleasure, there will surely be pain to follow" -unknown. I believe this is very true. Regardless of if you follow your mind or your heart, either way you will come out experiencing close to the same thing. 

To elaborate on that... In life, we all have lessons we have to learn. We go through different experiences and grow from them. Whether we choose to follow our mind or our heart, we have have moments where we wonder if we should’ve done the opposite. Or maybe that’s just me? 🤔 Not saying I have any regrets, but sometimes I do have moments of wondering, if I didn’t make that move, what other move could I have made? I don’t dwell on it long, just a quick “what if” moment. But what I have come to learn is that where I am now, this place my heart has guided me to, is where I should be and where I want to be. I’m growing every day. Day by day, I try to embrace what it is. I see some flaws I need to correct and I’m working on them. I want to find a balance of knowing when to follow my heart and when to go with my first mind. The balance in that will be bliss. 

I asked a couple of people about this and several actually said they use both. I think being able to do that is where you find a great balance. That’s what I’m trying to do. And I’m working on it 🤞🏽

OAN: I am SO loving this 30 Day Positivity Challenge. Each day I look for good things to talk about at the end of the day. Not to mention reciting the affirmations in the morning and throughout the day. It’s been helping a great deal. I find less things to complain about and more things to smile about and be grateful for. Hope it’s helping you too! Feel free to share! ☺️


Mary #TeamHeart.

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